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Muncy Couple Celebrates 60th wedding anniversary

By Staff | Sep 11, 2019

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Wallis of Muncy, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Sept. 6, 2019. They were married by the Revs.

Paul Jordan and John Ehrhart at St. John’s United Church of Christ,Lewisburg.

Mrs. Wallis, the former Joan Maurer, is a native of Lewisburg. She is the daughter of the late Roy and Verna Maurer. She graduated from

Lewisburg High School, Harrisburg Polyclinic School of Nursing and the University of St. Francis.

Mr. Wallis, a native of Muncy, is the son of the late Howard and Louise Wallis. He graduated from Muncy High School, Bucknell University

and the Eckel’s College of Mortuary Science in Philadelphia.

They are the parents of three daughters, Shelli Jarvis, Bridgewater, Virginia; Marcie Fisher, New Columbia; and Corey Flynn, Santa Rosa

Beach, FL. They have one grandson, Ryan Maurer Short.