Posted Nov. 26
A daughter, Edie London Rose, to Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Douglass, Williamsport, on Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008, at Susquehanna Health Center. Mother is the former Megan Schnure. Grandparents are Rick and Sandi Douglass, Linden, and Ed and Geri Schnure, of Hughesville.
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Siperko, Hughesville, Nov. 9, 2008, at Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Shannon Weaver.
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Moyer, Muncy, Nov. 10, 2008, at Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Lindsay Morningstar.
A daughter to Danielle Wright, Muncy, Nov. 18, 2008, at Evangelical Community Hospital, Lewisburg.