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Police Blotter (1/30)

By Staff | Jan 30, 2009

A crash occurred on Jan. 12 in Anthony Township, Lycoming County, Carol Segraves, Williamsport (Unit 1); Ashley Giacomi, Trout Run (Unit 2) along with passengers Paul Stryker, Williamsport and Mitchell Quiana, Trout Run. This crash occurred as Unit 1 was traveling southbound on SR 3024 (Jobs Run Road). Unit 2 was traveling northbound on SR 3024. Unit 1 was attempting to make a left hand turn onto T657 when Unit 2 which was traveling northbound crested the hill and impact between Unit 1 and Unit 2 occurred. Upon arrival to the scene both Unit 1 and 2 were at their position of rest in the travel lanes of SR 3024.

Segraves was wearing her seatbelt and did not report any injuries. She was cited for a violation of the PA VC 3322, Vehicle Turning Left, and a citation was filed.

Giacomi was cited for a violation of the PA VC 1543, Driving While Operating Privilege is Suspended or Revoked. A citation was filed.

On Jan. 13 in Loyalsock Township a crash occurred involving Seth Carson, Jersey Shore (Unit 1) and Lisa Bembry, Williamsport (Unit 2). This crashed occurred as Unit 1 was traveling west on SR 2014. Unit 2 began a turn from the eastbound left lane of SR 2014. Unit 1 upon seeing unit 2 begin the turn locked up the brakes and slid into Unit 2.

On Jan. 9 Patricia Williams, Williamsport, accused Albert Dimassimo III, Williamsport and Paul Dimarco, Williamsport for trespassing on Palmer Lake and ice fishing without privilege to do so. Charges were filed.

A theft occurred behind American Dreams Vinyl, 1309 Washington Blvd., Williamsport. The unknown actor removed approximately 350# of white aluminum coil stock. Anyone with information contact PSP Montoursville at 368-5700.

Charges are pending on a Hughesville resident who was involved in a one-vehicle crash which occurred on Jan. 12 on SR 220 south of Tivoli Tavern. The individual was not injured. Charges pending the blood results.

A crash occurred in Clinton Township on Jan. 12 involving Janice Yaw, Williamsport (Unit 1) and Robert Moore, Arlington, VA (Unit 2). Unit 2 was stopping in the left lane of SR 15 in front of the White Deer Motel to turn into the motel. Unit 1 was traveling behind Unit 2 struck Unit 1 in the rear driver’s side bumper area causing Unit 1 to rotate counterclockwise off to the left side of the roadway, where it then struck a snow bank.

On Jan. 9, Herman Mazyck, Jr. of North Carolina, while operating a commercial motor vehicle became stuck in a snow bank in the median of SR 220 are of Northway Road, Woodward Township. As a result, he was also blocking both of the northbound lanes of travel. Minuteman Towing Service was summoned to pull him free. Mazyck failed to make payment for services rendered and fled the scene. He was stopped, placed under arrest, and was arraigned. Mazyck was released on $7,500 unsecured bail. He was also charged with several traffic violations.