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Here are the facts

By Staff | Oct 13, 2009

Dear Editor:

The article which appeared in the Sun-Gazette on October 7th regarding the Muncy Borough Council meeting did not clearly capture the discussion regarding the borough’s decision to acquire the water and sewer systems. There is no stalemate in that action. The borough is proceeding with this acquisition.

The situation that was discussed pertained to the fact that the Muncy Borough Municipal Authority initiated action to terminate the agreements by which the borough has operated the water and sewer systems since their inception. This action was initiated prior to council’s decision to acquire these utility systems.

Council acted to acquire these systems to insure that there is no interruption in these vital services. The Authority has no plan to operate these services and no employees or equipment to do so. Council had to act to protect the rate-payers who depend upon these basic community services.

Another glaring omission in this article was the fact that the Authority has repeatedly refused to pay the costs to complete the Carpenter Street water line replacement project. In addition, they have refused to refund $100,000 of the borough’s water revenue that was erroneously deposited into their investment account. If they had fulfilled their responsibility to complete this road construction or if they had corrected their mistake, Muncy Borough Council would not have been forced to use other funds – funds that could have been used to pave other roads and replace curbs in other areas of the borough.


Karen Richards,
