An Angel In Waiting
Dear Editor,
The fact that “angels are among us” was proven once again Sunday Oct 18 when I stopped for gas. As I gathered keys and checkbook and rounded the car, a woman exited a vehicle on the opposite side.
She reached around and proceeded to put her Sunoco gas card in my slot. “I’m being nice today,” she said, as I quietly took two steps back not understanding the situtation. She continued to made small talk, possibly due to my lack of response. “Tomorrow’s Monday and I may not be nice tomorrow, but today I’m being nice,” she said. Finally when the numbers spun around to zero she said, “there, it’s ready, don’t put in a little, fill it up.” Finding my voice I protested, “but it’s on empty.”
We were joined by a third customer who recognized me and we exchanged greetings.
Twenty four dollars and fifty cents later, I placed the hose in its holder then shared with this mortal angel how much her kindness meant to me. A survivor of domestic abuse, the violence has stopped but financial abuse continues while awaiting the court’s decision. After exchanging a hug, I drove away without knowing the mortal idenitity of this angel.
I began counting the times other angels have kept depression and regret at bay. At the instruction of a local chiropractor, the secretary said, “no charge” as I wrote a check after my last visit. I’ve been the receipient of emails and cards containing positive messages and hosted while away at a quilting workshop.
It’s a shame the inhumanity of one individual makes us suspect the humane actions of others. May we all learn to give and take in the manner intended and thank GOD his angels walk among us.
Carol Shetler,