Dear Readers
Dear readers,
At the Son-Light House the number of families in need continues to rise. Dramatic decline in federal food for Son-Light House is expected and your action is needed.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program is a Federal (TEFAP) food assistance program that provides food commodities at no cost to Son Light House for its recipients. Unless we take action now to alert member of Congress and the Administration to the pending dramatic decline in TEFAP supplies, the level of support will drop significantly – possibly as much as 50% in the next few months. TEFAP is one of the key sources of food distributed by Son Light House.
Call your representative and senators for assistance. Tell them that “Federal commodities provided through TEFAP are an essential resource for Son Light House.
These nutritious commodities help us to serve the increasing numbers of people in Eastern Lycoming County who are in need of food assistance. Son Light House has seen a 14% increase in the number of recipients in the past year.
Within the past few months, Son Light House has had to replace its truck, essential for transporting food each week from Williamsport, schedule the repair and sealing of the parking lot, and raise the foundation for the compressor for the freezer.
These non-food related expenses have totaled more than $20,000. Donations toward these expenses are encouraged and most welcome.
Phone numbers to call:
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Senator Casey (202) 224-6324
Senator Toomey (202) 224-4254
Representative Marino (202) 225-3731
The Son-Light House team
Muncy, PA