Letter to readers
Dear Luminary readers
The Muncy High School alumni faculty lost a great member this past month in the passing of George Dietz. I know that many former students remember him as their favorite teacher.
George had a passion for his subjects of science and especially biology. And that passion was contagious. He showed us a whole new world through the microscope. He allowed us to look at life in detail by the dissection of frogs, dogfish sharks and cats. He held us to a high standard in all of these activities. We did things the “right way.”
I personally know that there are many former students, and even children of former students, who chose science as a career due to George’s influence. I can attest to this fact personally. Our daughter was probably the only three year old who could pronounce ‘anthocyanin’ and she knew what it meant.
Today she is a biology professor.
George may have even saved some lives. He lectured us on the things that caused cancer and their tell-tale signs. I think he probably did it just out of a true concern for the future of his students.
Mr. Dietz may be gone from this earth, but he lives on in heaven and in the hearts of those of us who were lucky enough to have had him as a teacher.
Michael L. Myers
President, MHS Class of ’65
Elizabethtown, PA