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Letter to editor

I am pleased and honored to have my grandmother's, Emma Dimm Fague's story featured in the Luminary's series of stories on Women"s History Month. Thank you for creating this series.I do need to clarify that my father, the Rev. Harland D. Fague's first Lutheran pastorate was the united charge of ...

Concealed weapon seminars necessary for more control

I am qualified as a sharpshooter with the Pennsylvania National Guard before spending four years in the Air Force. I have had a concealed carry permit for years. But I always had questions about carrying a gun. What can I do, what can't I do. What should I do, what should I not do in ...

Letter to editor

Dear Luminary,The Ritz building presents an ideal location for a painting of Muncy, and the M.P.B.A. and the local residents to do it. Years ago M.P.B.A. was turned down for pork money because of the fire escape on Orlie's building.The idea still is appropriate using local money - putting money ...

A nice Post Office

Through my professional career I had the opportunity to travel to many places in theU.S.A. I've been in many small towns and big cities and I have seen many memorablesights. That includes quite a number of U. S. Post Office buildings. I can say,unequivocally, that Muncy's Post Office rates as ...

Muncy welcomes the Williamsport Symphony

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!They performed last Friday, August 21st under a summer evening sky in the meadow behind the Poulton's house. Isn't that exciting to believe!And the people listened as the Orchestra, under the capable direction of Geraldo Edelstein, played sweeping, beautiful music.What an ...

Cemetery care needed

WOW, do I ever agree with Mr. Tom Brittain regarding the care of the Muncy Cemetery.Our family has two eight grave plots that have always been nicely planted, around markers, etc., and well kept until this year.But because of health reasons, they have not been addressed this year until about ...

The Muncy Cemetery needs more care

I am disappointed to see the lack of care and attention now given to the cemetery. Mowing seems rather random (even with rainy weather taken into consideration) and is often done in a manner that leaves large clumps, and rows, of mowed grass lying all over the grounds. Trimming seems equally ...

Muncy people care

I have been weeding our front lawn of violets, dandelions and weeds. I doit as a lazy person. Instead of bending over I lie on the grass and dig themout. Five times now people driving by saw me on the ground and with whitehair have stopped to see if I needed help (or died I guess). Had ...

Letter to editor

To the people who "own" the stray cats that wander on Main St. and Market St. in Muncy (or if you have a cat that you allow to wander anywhere, please take note):I own two cats, both indoor cats. In your eyes, I may be the bad guy because my cats are always inside, but they are safe from ...

Some interesting flood facts

Here are some flood insurance facts.In March 2014, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act was passed to correct many of the problems caused by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. Recent articles about federal flood insurance have omitted important changes that ...