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Rep. Everett Provides Proposed State Budget on Website

By Staff | Feb 24, 2009

Rep. Garth Everett (R-Lycoming) recently posted the governor’s 2009-10 proposed state budget on his Web site, RepEverett.com. Residents can access the document by clicking on the “Governor’s Proposed 2009-10 Budget Line by Line” link.

“I think it is our duty to open up the state budget process let Pennsylvanians see every line of the governor’s proposed budget,” Everett said. “I encourage residents to look at the document and contact my office with their thoughts. This way I can bring those ideas to Harrisburg during the months of budget negotiations ahead.”

The document posted on Everett’s Web site provides residents with a line-by-line breakdown of Governor Ed Rendell’s General Fund budget. The information depicts the governor’s spending proposal for the 2009-10 fiscal year and the amount of increase or decrease for each line item and state agency.

Earlier this month, Governor Rendell presented a $29 billion spending plan to the state House and Senate. As introduced, the plan calls for at least a $705 million increase in spending over the 2008-09 budget despite the fact Pennsylvania is expected to face a $2.3 billion deficit in the current fiscal year.