Disaster Program Course Planned
A 16-hour course designed by the Federal Government to bring communities together during times of disaster has been planned for Saturday, May 9, Tuesday, May 12, and Saturday, May 16.
Registration deadline is Monday, April 27.
Please note that the Saturday dates are scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. The Tuesday program is scheduled from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
All programs will take place at the Lycoming County Department of Public Safety, 542 County Farm Road in Montoursville.
By becoming part of the Community Emergency Response Team, participants will learn what type of disasters could affect their neighborhood. They will also learn First Aid, CPR, Rescuer Safety, Triage and much more.
Everyone completing the course will receive an emergency kit filled with tools for use during an emergency. CERT was set up to enable immediate aide to be given prior to the arrival of Emergency Responders.
For registration or information go to www.lyco.org (click on Citizen’s Corps Council) or call Lycoming County Dept of Public Safety 570-433-4461.