Luminary Gets New Office

Beginning Monday, The Muncy Luminary is moving into the East Lycoming Shopper and News building on Route 405, just three miles from its current location.
The weekly Luminary has been a staple here since 1841, delivering community news and sports and providing businesses and individuals with advertising in eastern Lycoming County.
“By placing both newspapers under one roof, the number of benefits can’t be overstated,” said Bernard A. Oravec, publisher of the Luminary and its sister paper, the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, as well as the East Lycoming Shopper.
Accommodating readers
“Both newspapers are sharing office space to better accommodate the vast number of readers and additional subscribers of The Luminary, which serves the boroughs of Muncy, Hughesville and Montgomery and the surrounding region,” Oravec said.

The first day of business at the new site will be Monday, and personnel from both newspapers, including those producing community news and working on advertising copy, will be available to conduct business as usual, Oravec said.
Businesses, subscribers and other customers will be able to contact Luminary staff at the East Lycoming Shopper and News, 1025 Route 405. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday. During those hours, staff from both newspapers, working together, will provide a voice and face as customers conduct their business.
Better customer service
“There will always be someone to talk to during business hours,” Oravec said.
Prior to the move, The Luminary staff worked part-time, he noted. The sharing of office space dramatically enhances the ability of the newspaper to handle customer service needs and provide more timely and relevant stories, he added.
Sharing office space also provides a cost-saving measure. By placing both newspapers under the same roof, the company saves on utilities, rent, supplies and duplication of service, Oravec said.
The shared office space also provides ample, free parking, unlike the Luminary’s former location on Main Street in Muncy.
Those visiting the newspaper will be able to park in the lot at the East Lycoming Shopper and News, Oravec said.
The Route 405 site is handicapped-accessible and centrally located within eastern Lycoming County.