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“Now Is Not The End”

By Staff | Jun 9, 2009

Although the weather was somewhat formidable, the optimism shared was overwhelming by parents and teachers at the 129th annual commencement on the front lawn of the Muncy High School on Friday night. The rain stopped just in time for the ceremony and gave plenty of time for the spectators to be seated in front of the brightly colored display of gold marigolds majestically spread across the bottom of the stage and podium. Eighty five students graduated this year with twenty nine seniors that were members of the National Honor Society.

Nathaniel Lamoreaux gave an inspiring introduction to the program after playing the Star Spangled Banner with other senior band members. Nathaniel is pursuing a career in Pathology and will be attending Wilkes University.

Following the introduction, an inspirational reading was given by Devon Antonetti who has tentative goals of attending med school. She will be going to the University of Pittsburgh and likes to dance and play the violin.

Christopher Bartlow who wants to be a surgeon someday and will be attending Wilkes University on a Presidential Scholarship, read a poem titled “This Is Now” by Elizabeth Russell.

Darren Mensch, president of his class, heralded the words from a song “A Time Of Your Life” and will also be attending Wilkes University and is planning a career as a pharmacist. He said his mom has been his greatest role model so far.

“Now this is not the end. It is not the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” This famous quote from Winston Churchill was given by valedictorian, Kelsi Chuprinski who will be attending Penn State University on the main campus. She was head of her class and contributes hard work ethics and determination to be part of her success.

Superintendent, Dr. Portia Brandt presented the graduates with their diplomas and awards along with High School principal, Tim Welliver and School Board President, Tom Gardner. Several awards were bestowed that evening and a medley of songs followed the Alma Mater as the graduates formed a processional march to end the ceremony.