Veterans Monument Not Moving To Picture Rocks

To clear up some confusion regarding moving the Veterans monument from Hughesville to Picture Rocks, Gary Jenney, Sr. and Commander of Veteran War Post PA 51 made some clarifications on the project last Friday.
He stated that the monument will be staying at its current location on Academy and Main Streets in Hughesville. The monument is leased from year to year from the Buck Family who own the land where the monument sits.
In the meantime, Picture Rocks wanted a veterans memorial and rumor had it that the Bucks wanted the land back for another project. “It was a misinterpretation,” said Jenney although the membership voted to move the monument about four months ago. Jenney also added that they have been getting some pressure from the public not to have the monument moved.
It was erected in 1989 at the present site, and according to Jenney, the monument can’t be moved for two reasons. The name on the monument cannot be changed and it it were to be moved, it would be in severe danger of crumbling. “The mortar between the bricks is beginning to crack and it is very fragile right now,” said Jenney. It hasn’t been touched in twenty years. All the mortar has to be redone. In the meantime, flowers and new shrubs have been planted and the area has a new look to it. About twelve members from the 104 membership association, have been mowing the lawn every week and checking on it to make sure the property is maintained and monitored. The walkways have been cleaned, benches painted and new lights replaced. “Someone smashed out the lights last weekend. If anyone has seen anyone or anything suspicious, they are to notify the Hughesville police,” Jenney stated.
The Veterans Park is a tribute to all veterans, both living and deceased. In the meantime, Picture Rocks is planning on constructing their own Veterans Park in the near future with the help of Post PA 51 said Jenney.