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Sisterhood is All About Volunteerism and Angels in Waiting

By Staff | Sep 22, 2009

MONTGOMERY – Although they don’t have golden halos above their heads, flowing robes or wings fluttering behind them, the Montgomery Xi Theta Delta (MXTD) Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Sisters do bear close resemblance to angels with their hearts and hands. For they are constantly willing to help humanity by helping those in need according to Linda Kneedler, Chapter board member.

“With the current economical crisis that has hit an alarming amount of families in our area, the need for help and compassion is far greater now than ever before,” she said. These needs range from bills going unpaid, personal possessions being repossessed, cupboards and cabinets once full, now empty to families being torn apart,” stated the sisters of the chapter.

The MXTD Sorority Sisters consider themselves a group of intelligent, hard working women who are dedicated to help meet the needs of others through their volunteerism, as they continue to set living examples for others to follow.

Some past service projects by the group involve donating gift cards from local grocery stores and distributing to families in need, items collected for Santa’s Seniors, Meals on Wheels Christmas baskets, scholarships given to Montgomery High School Seniors and a basket donated to the Muncy Valley Lawn Party. Other proud projects by the Sorority also include monetary donations for local victims of house fires, collecting donations of men’s hygiene products for the Sunlight House in Muncy and BINGO for the Brady Township Festival. A donation was also made to the Mongomery Public Library to assist with their summer reading program as wellas a care package sent to a local serviceman in the armed forces.

They are currently working on two other fundraisers to help others this upcoming holiday season. The group would like to welcome new members and may contact Kay Stahley at 547-2605.

“A lot can be said of a person’s character when called to help those in need, nothing more poignant though than putting one’s calling to action, for compassion and humanity. Criteria for joining is simple. Have a servant’s heart ready to assist in meeting the needs of others in times of hardship through compassion and volunteerism,” adds Stahley. “And what better way to spend your time than having fun with a group of angels while helping others,” they said.