C.O.P.S. prepare for trip to East Lycoming

This month five sworn police officers and the son of a deputy sheriff will be going to prison in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. C.O.P.S. which stands for Cops Out Preaching Salvation is a non-profit organization founded by Ken Tutwiler a sworn police detective with a police department in Southern California. C.O.P.S. will be traveling throughout the State of Pennsylvania providing chapel services in seven different prisons throughout the Commonwealth, that is, Camp Hill, Cumberland, Dallas, Lycoming, Muncy, Waymart and Montour).
- Randy Ryder, one of the members of the ministry team is originally from Muncy. Randy grew up attending the First United Methodist Church of Muncy (602 South Market Street) where Pastor Mike Gardy has invited the team to speak at the Sunday morning services held at 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. on October 18. Pastor Dale Rintleman of Agape Fellowship (485 E 3rd Street, Williamsport) has invited C.O.P.S. to lead a special worship service on Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. The team is scheduled to be in Muncy on Thursay, October 15.
C.O.P.S. was founded in California where they call the California Youth Authority their home. They have preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Prisons throughout California, Arizona, Arkansas and Kansas. “We like to visit the prisons so we can help inmates that with Christ they will be free indeed,” said Ryder. The ministry team is looking forward to their trip to Pennsylvania during the week of October 14.