New officers start the new year for Muncy business organization

New officers were announced for the Muncy Professional Business Association at their meeting last Thursday night. Standing left to right: Kevin Harris, a new executive committee member, Masonry Specialties; Keri Krause, President, Robin Real Estate; Karen Spring, Treasurer, Sovereign Bank; Chris Johnson, Vice-President, Brickhouse Advertising; Laura Smith, Secretary, Padgett Business Services; and Chris Fiene, new executive committee member, Providence Engineering.
MUNCY – The Muncy Professional Business Association began the new year with their first meeting held Thursday evening at Orlalndo’s Market and Deli.
Chris Johnson, Vice-President of the organization, announced that the Prancer movie held at the Ritz Theatre last month for the children in the area was a great success. 146 attended the free movie, thanks to local sponsors. Three student members from the FBLA at Muncy High School volunteered their help with the canned food donations and also helped with clean-up afterwards. Two sixty pound boxes of food went to the Son-Light House according to Johnson.
Another movie is being planned with food donations at the end of the school year. The Ritz Theatre is also working with talent agencies to provide future acts and dinner shows. The next one is Jan. 13 with Sadie Green Sales Jugband. Another event, “A Patsy Kline Tribute Show” is scheduled Feb. 13 for Valentine’s Day at the Ritz with dinner at Orlando’s at 2 p.m.
Two new executive members were added this month, Kevin Harris from Masonry Specialties and Chris Fiene from Providence Engineering.
Linda Stein mentioned the Walkable Communities Project and hopes to have some members from the MPBA attend the next planning meeting which will be held Jan. 27 at 3:30 p.m. at Muncy Valley Hospital.
On Main Street, Becky Fought invites everyone to view the new artist’s display in her front window at 13 S. Main Street. This month features the Susquehanna Valley Quilters which followed a nice Christmas display of hand made baskets from member, Karen Spring. “Each month there will be a new artist,” Fought said. “This makes downtown Muncy more attractive, and provides a good environment for local businesses,” she said.
The group is also organizing a community clean-up day sometime in early spring to coincide with Earth Day. “It would be nice to coordinate this with the borough council,” said Keri Krause. Tilly Noviello has been attending the borough meetings and will check with the Superintendent of Public Works, Pat Weber.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 3 and new members are always welcome. There are currently 35 members. For a complete list visit