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Physician revisits his Alma Mater for Muncy’s Graduation

By Staff | Jun 17, 2011

MUNCY – From the class of 1980, keynote speaker Dr. Gregory E. Herman returned from his New Jersey residence where he is a practicing physician, to deliver the commencement speech to 78 graduating students at Muncy High School on Friday evening.

Pointing out how the Muncy Baseball Varsity Team won District 4 Championship title, Dr. Herman honed in on how being a team player is a basis for determining success in life. He explained to them how his career accomplishments have been a team effort with all the players in his life, thus being his wife, his parents, his sister and friends along the way who guided and supported him to make it all possible.

A graduate of Notre Dame and Jefferson Medical College, Herman said education is more than formal schooling. “Education starts the day you are born,” said Herman, who was inducted into the school’s academic hall of fame.

“Commencement is only the beginning,” said Herman, a 2009 recipient of the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians of the Year Award.

“I hope you learn something new each and every day,” he said. “I want you to contribute, and make a difference in somebody’s life.”

Prior to Herman’s speech, Amanda Cotner made an introduction followed by an inspirational reading by Tyler Wenzel. Amanda Fry read a poem “The Last Recess” written by valedictorian Lee Fry. “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today is a gift. That is why we call it the present,” announced Fry as he urged his classmates to treat each other and every day as if it was their last.

Salutatorian, Alexandra Digenakis referred to her class maates, Zach Strickland and Ryan Hembury as being the “World’s Greatest.” as she pointed out their titles as champion wrestlers among other students who have achieved great accomplishments. “Never settle for second best,” she added.

Before presenting the diplomas, High school principal Tim Welliver said it has been determination that has helped bring students success in the classroom and on the athletic field. Superintendent Dr. Portia Brandt formally declared the students as graduates. The entire class joined in the singing of the school’s Alma Mater.