Rotary donates to local organizations
HUGHESVILLE- In recognition for distribution of funds, Rotary members and volunteers enjoyed a picnic at Saturday evening’s Rotary function hosted by Gary and Geneva Peck at their home in Wolf Township.
During the evening, profits generated by the Hughesville chapter’s May pork dinner were distributed to three local organizations presented by outgoing and incoming presidents’ Deb Papay and Ken Singer.
The donation for the Hughesville Volunteer Fire Department was accepted by Chief Steve Stiger and president Daniel Dorman and Michael Bieber accepted a donation for the American Cancer Society. Receiving on behalf of the East Lycoming Historical Society (ELHS) was treasurer Dean Kilgus.
In a prepared statement, the ELHS president said, “Thank you for your monetary contribution. Your support of community based organizations make Hughesville and the East Lycoming area a better place to live, work and volunteer.”
The Hughesville Rotary chapter supports many groups that include a Little League team, dictionaries to fourth graders in the three East Lycoming area grade schools, tree seedlings for Arbor Day and an annual Easter Egg hunt in Bodine Park.
An upcoming fundraiser will be the Rotary Festival 2011, a hot air balloon event held at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds on September 17 and 18. Sponsored by the Lycoming County Rotary clubs, proceeds will benefit the Children’s Development Center in Williamsport.
When individuals support Rotary fundraisers, they support several local organizations.