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Township supervisors want to cut down resident’s tree

By Staff | Aug 23, 2011

MUNCY – Township supervisors want to cut down an oak tree that extends over a township road. According to supervisor chair, Paul Wentzler, the tree imposes a dangerous threat to motor vehicles and school buses on the road, particularly during a dangerous wind storm.

The tree is on a resident’s property. Wentzler, who refused Secretary Wendy Baxter’s request for identifying information, said “the property owner has no money and won’t work with us.”

Wentzler does not have estimates, but he said that he thought it would be at least $1,000 to remove the whole tree from the property. He said he wants to look into the cost of removing the limbs that extend into the road.

“I don’t want to get off the road and use taxpayers’ money on someone’s property,” Wentzler said.

In other business, the Muncy Township supervisors adopted three resolutions.

The first resolution delegates the Lycoming County Planning Commission the authority to administer the stormwater management ordinance.

Randy Sees, an attorney at McNerney, Page, Vanderlin & Hall, who filled in for solicitor Garth Everett, explained that the county offered municipalities that did not have a stormwater management ordinance an opportunity for the county’s planning department to administer the ordinance and the planning committee to act as an appeal.

The supervisors signed the second resolution so that the state Department of Transportation will reimburse money for the building of the Bugbee Road Bridge replacement. The agreement also authorizes Wentzler and Baxter to sign the checks.

The third resolution established the fees for the filing of applications, permits and licenses. The fees will go inside the new organization of the ordinances.

In other business, the supervisors accepted tax collector Anne Smith’s request to attend the state tax collector conference in Greensburg. Every year she attends to keep up to date on information and training. Last year’s conference was held in Hershey.

The fire department received a radiation meter that is set to automatically go off when levels become too high.

The department received $17,000 in grants, but $10,000 was used for a hose on a fire engine. The rest of the money will be used to update equipment in the next month or two.

Wentzler read the police report that said there were 51 incidents with 53 percent related to the Lycoming Mall or Lycoming Crossing. He said the new Cracker Barrel, which will open next month at 260 S. Lycoming Mall Road, likely will increase the problems with left turns at the red light.