Lights of Love light up Muncy Hospital

On Sunday evening guests and patients viewed the show of lights as they came on all at once during the 17th annual 'Lights of Love' tradition at Muncy Valley Hospital.
MUNCY – “Remember these special people, and bless those for whom these lights will glow,” were words spoken by Sister Sharon Hartman, Director of Pastoral Care and chaplain at Muncy Valley Hospital during the 2011 Lights of Love program held Sunday evening. Standing before a crowd on a mild Sunday evening, her words were inspiring during this annual tradition at Muncy Valley Hospital where visitors were able to see white lights glowing from the trees, gazebo, top of the roof, the star and the wreath.
An opening welcome was given by Anne Holliday, Administrator for the Muncy Skilled Nursing Unit, who also introduced guest musicians, The Resurrection Singers. A brief ceremony with a singing hymn “Joy To The World” precluded the Blessing of the Lights given by Sister Sharon Hartman.
This is the seventeenth year that the hospital and the Lights of Love committee have held the ‘Lights of Love’ to honor loved ones. Scrolls have been placed in the lobby of the hospital and the Skilled Nursing Unit with the names of those who were honored and remembered.
Following the ceremony and blessing, light refreshments were served in the new hospital’s cafeteria. The event was sponsored by the Muncy Valley Hospital Auxiliary.
The Lights of Love contributions will support Susquehanna Health’s renovation and expansion of Muncy Valley Hospital.
Committee members for this year are Jennie Aunkst, Jane Beachem, Betty Fisher, Kim Gardner, Bev Hall, Linda Holsinger, Bill Ritter, and Sharon Goss, Chairperson.