Council also agreed to contract with Codes Inspections of Montgomery as its zoning officer, which is expected to save the borough about $5,000. Codes Inspections would instead consider the permit fees as payment. They are already enforcing the borough's building codes and council agreed it would be more convenient for those seeking permits to go through one source instead of two."/>
Council also agreed to contract with Codes Inspections of Montgomery as its zoning officer, which is expected to save the borough about $5,000. Codes Inspections would instead consider the permit fees as payment. They are already enforcing the borough's building codes and council agreed it would be more convenient for those seeking permits to go through one source instead of two."/> Muncy Borough Council reorganizes for the new year | News, Sports, Jobs - Muncy Luminary
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Muncy Borough Council reorganizes for the new year

By Staff | Jan 9, 2012

MUNCY – Muncy Borough Council appointed Matilda “Tillie” Noviello to council board who was sworn in by Mayor, Ed Dannemann at last week’s reorganization meeting.

Council also agreed to contract with Codes Inspections of Montgomery as its zoning officer, which is expected to save the borough about $5,000. Codes Inspections would instead consider the permit fees as payment. They are already enforcing the borough’s building codes and council agreed it would be more convenient for those seeking permits to go through one source instead of two.

In other matters discussed, council agreed to keep borough’s employment health insurance contribution at 10 percent and endure a rise in cost of insurance. No raise is expected for 2012.

Muncy Area Volunteer Fire Company re-elected officers with no changes from 2011. The company received a grant for new pumps and another grant has been submitted to be used for reducing debt, replacing old equipment and supplies according to Jamie Brelsford.

Council is also working on gaining the $5,000 PA Wilds grant to upgrade the Veteran’s Park on South Main Street. Muncy Bank and Trust has already donated $2,500 toward the required matching portion which leaves a remaining balance of $2,500.

A unanimous vote was given for the incorporation of the Muncy Borough Municipal Authority to reduce the authority board from seven to five members. This was done as a pre-requisite to the takeover of the Muncy’s sewer facilities by the West Branch Regional Authority. The water system will remain with the municipal authority.

Mayor Dannemann said council should think about developing a new committee to look into bringing more revenue to the water fund by possibly selling water to the gas companies to help pay for the $142,000 that the water fund still owes to the general fund.