MONTGOMERY – On October 10th, the Montgomery High School Broadcasting class received a visit from Barbara Barrett, editor of The Luminary. Barrett did a presentation on her job as an editor as well as teaching us about our upcoming jobs as writers for the newspaper. It was during National Newspaper Week.
Barrett taught Language Arts for ten years prior to her career in the business of Broadcasting. She published a quarterly magazine, “The Entertainment Review”, for ten years. It was published in nine counties around Pennsylvania. Now, Barrett is the editor of The Luminary, which covers Hughesville, Muncy, and Montgomery.
The Montgomery Broadcasting class is excited to begin working with Mrs. Barrett and grateful for the information she shared in her presentation. When asked about the presentation highlights, students responded with…
“I think she’s knowledgeable and enjoys what she does, which is necessary to be successful in the career you pursue. It’s a good opportunity for the class, and we should take advantage of it,” said junior Isaiah Bobotas.
“I never knew how much work it took to make a newspaper, and now I have a greater appreciation for it.” said junior Scottie Koch.