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GHBA gives overview of fundraising events

By Staff | Mar 4, 2014

The Greater Hughesville Business Association held their business mixer on Feb.18 at the Muncy Valley Moose. Officers are (left to right) Robbin Fry, Doug Spotts, Suzanne Holmes and Tom Donofrio.

HUGHESVILLE – Giving back to the community is what the Greater Hughesville Business Association is all about when they came together on February 18 for their annual business mixer. The event was held in the evening at the Muncy Valley Moose and several businesses introduced their services after GHBA officers recapped their annual events and fundraisers that serve the community.

Fifteen hundred dollars are given annually to a scholarship fund for seniors graduating from Hughesville High School and going into business.

The organization is currently waiting for status for a 501C3 as the process is underway. Their biggest fundraiser is the annual spring golf tournament and the board announced that this year will be their 16th one. Look for details coming soon.

In the meantime, they are applying for a game of chance license so they can sell raffles at the tournament and other events throughout the year. Tracey Clayton from Kathy’s Cafe will be organizing a breakfast fundraiser soon at the Muncy Valley Moose, and Kevin Harris, Manager of the Moose, and also a GHBA member, encouraged use of the facility for business networking and community fundraisers.

Officers also explained some new enhancements on the GHBA website. Membership applications can now be downloaded, postings of monthly meetings and events are listed and links are given to the Hughesville Borough, library and fire department. President Suzanne Holmes said the calendar events are added and soon employment opportunities will also be listed by the businesses.

Some new members have joined. Michelle Lawson, manager of Woodlands Bank, announced extended hours until 6 p.m. so businesses have time to make deposits. They are restoring the front facade of the building downtown on the corner of Water and Main Streets to its original appearance with historical lighting.

The organization decided to meet twice a month instead of monthly to have more time to organize the events and the annual holiday “5 to Drive.” The last meeting was held Tuesday, March. 4 and the next meeting is scheduled will for March 18. The group did not meet in January due to weather conflicts.