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Bridges on nearby roads to be replaced

By Staff | Jan 28, 2015

Two bridges over Little Muncy Creek and another over White Deer Hole Creek will be replaced this year under the state’s new Rapid Bridge Replacement Project.

Another seven bridges in Lycoming County are up for replacement in 2016 and 2017.

Last year, a law was signed to fund road projects, repairs and public transit in the state, which has resulted in the creation of the $899 million statewide project, set to begin this summer.

According to the state, 558 bridges across the state will be replaced in the next three years.

“Pennsylvania has the most structurally deficient bridges in the country. That’s why it’s so important we take advantage of the additional resources we’re getting from Act 89,” Richard Kirkpatrick, PennDOT spokesman, said.

There are 25,000 state-maintained bridges in the state, and about 4,000 are considered structurally deficient, according to Kirkpatrick. He also said that of the 558 bridges being replaced, 553 are structurally deficient and 133 are posted with weight limits to help extend their life.

Plenary Walsh Keystone Partners and its team of 11 Pennsylvania-based subcontractors, one of which is Williamsport’s Larson Design Group, will lead the project, according to Kirkpatrick.

The team will manage the bridges’ design, construction and maintenance for 25 years after construction under the public-private partnership contract. It also will be responsible for securing the capital necessary for construction.

PennDOT will maintain ownership of the bridges.

Following is the schedule of bridge replacements for this region:

June to October, Route 44 over Antes Creek and Route 2050 over Little Muncy Creek.

August to December, Route 2002 over White Deer Hole Creek.

May to October 2016, Route 118 over Big Run.

June to August 2016, Route 414 over Callahan Run.

August to December 2016, Route 87 over tributary to Loyalsock Creek.

February to October 2017, Route 15 over Black Hole Creek.