Recognition given to outstanding alumni

Josh Lloyd and Brandon Wenzel from Muncy High School were the winning seniors of the 2015 Sara B. Poust Alumni Award.
MUNCY – The Muncy Alumni Association held their annual dinner on Saturday evening, May 23, at Myers Elementary School. Each year the Sara B. Poust Alumni Award is given to two seniors from Muncy High School.
This year’s recipients were Josh Lloyd and Brandon Wenzel, and each were awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
Gary Brelsford, Muncy High School class of 1965, was the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award.Through the Distinguished Alumni Award recognition program, established in 2013, the Muncy Alumni Association annually recognizes Muncy High School alumni who have achieved a high level of success in their chosen fields of endeavor, thus bringing distinction to themselves, their community, and to their alma mater.
The Distinguished Alumni Award is designed as a special event presented by the Association during the annual alumni banquet.
Criteria for Award

Gary Brelsford was the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Muncy Alumni Association.
An individual(s) must have graduated from Muncy High School.
Candidate must have reached and remained at the pinnacle of his or her field for a period of time sufficient to demonstrate perseverance and maturation.
Candidates must have exhibited a high degree of character, integrity and community awareness.
All candidates will be considered regardless of race, gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or religion.
A candidate’s interest, involvement and loyalty to Muncy High School may be noted but shall not be a primary factor in the selection process.
A “selectee” must agree to attend-and must attend the gala to be honored.
Presentation of the Distinguished Alumni Award is always made during the annual alumni banquet.
- Gary Brelsford was the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Muncy Alumni Association.