Families hike 18 miles for cystic fibrosis

To help raise money for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, Tom Knight (center) and his daughter (second from left) Jennifer Johnson, will be hiking the 18 mile "Xtreme Hike" on the Laurel Highland Trail on Oct. 3.
MUNCY – Two teams from Muncy will be taking a hike soon on the Laurel Highland Trail in Somerset County. This is no ordinary hike, but a challenge to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Known as the “Xtreme Hike”, its purpose is to bring about more awareness for the disease and to find a cure.
Tom Knight of Muncy said he has three grandchildren with Cystic Fibrosis and has committed to hike the trail to raise at least $5,000 for the organization. His daughter, Jennifer Johnson will be hiking with him on Saturday, October 3rd and both will take on the challenge for the day.
According to the Knight family this year the foundation is introducing a major new drug for CF already approved by the FDA. “It will treat a common genetic mutation that improves lung function in approximately 50 percent of patients,” said Tom Knight. “Through this hike and other fundraisers, our family is able to support this vital work to support the mission and to find a total cure for the disease.”
Another Muncy team hiking is the Muncy Mucus Mashers for Meggers, a name given to Heather McCormick, Jenifer Dewald, Kristina Rogers and Denise Cordes to raise money for CF. The women are from the Muncy High School class of ’91 and have been friends since grade school at Myers Elementary. Their deep rooted friendship brings them together for many special events and “other activities in between” they said. Their goal is to raise $12,000 and they have been hosting several fundraisers throughout the year.

Four local Muncy high school graduates from the class of '91 will be hiking the Xtreme trail to raise money and awareness for CF. They are called the Muncy Mucus Mashers for Meggers and they are helping a friend, Megan (pictured) who has been battling the disease for 13 years.
“This is an intense hike,” said Chris Johnson who is married to Jennifer Knight Johnson. He said his wife and father-in-law have been training since last May. The trail is wooded and very mountainous. To prepare, the father and daughter team have hiked the entire Loyalsock Trail. “It is really a combination of a hike and a race,” added Johnson.
Money raised from both teams will support CF programs, research, care and education.
“Our collective help is needed to ensure that our dream for a cure is found sooner, rather than later,” Knight said.
“We are hiking for Heather’s friend, Sarah so she can see her two young children grow up, and for Denise’s niece, Megan who has been battling CF for 13 years,” said the Meggers team. “We hope for a cure so Megan can make memories similar to those we have made together.” The hike continues to grow with real progress toward a cure, but young lives are still cut short.
Online donations for both teams can be made at fightcf.cff.org.
- Four local Muncy high school graduates from the class of ’91 will be hiking the Xtreme trail to raise money and awareness for CF. They are called the Muncy Mucus Mashers for Meggers and they are helping a friend, Megan (pictured) who has been battling the disease for 13 years.