The Muncy Shade Tree Commission recently planted a Princeton American Elm Tree at Waldon Park’s playground area. The tree was selected because it is a very fast growing tree. Linda Stein, a member of Muncy Borough Council, wanted a tree that would shade the tot lot at Waldron Park. Linda ...
In the late 1800s and well into the 1900s, Montgomery embraced the wonders of the industrial age and grew to be a prominent factory town.
Unfortunately, industrial accidents weren’t uncommon in America at that time. A bizarre accident occurred in Montgomery that was powerful enough to ...
The Montgomery Area Public Library is going strong more than 113 years after it was founded. The library offers a variety of programs that cater to all ages. One of those programs is Book Buddies, a special activity group for small children. Originally the group was designed for ages 2 – ...
On a day that the Muncy Township Volunteer Fire Co. celebrated 75 years of serving residents with its emergency service, it was only fitting that it mark the occasion with saluting one of its charter members.
Austin Artley, 94, stood before fellow firefighters and supporters of the ...
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part two of a story that was published in a previous issue of The Luminary. The Luminary wishes to thank Doris (Claudfelter) Yeager for sharing information about her great-grandfather as well as photos of him.)
Thomas Grady and H.P. Smith purchased the Montgomery ...
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is part of a series. The rest of the story will be published in an upcoming issue of The Luminary.)
One of Montgomery’s early citizens was Thomas E. Grady, Esq., whose strong work ethic allowed him to become one of the most prominent people in the borough. His ...
The Muncy Memorial Day parade is all set for Monday, May 27, at 11 a.m.
The parade will form at 10 a.m. at Mechanic Street and the Basil Wood Fire Grill restaurant parking lot.
The parade is spearheaded by Roland Ritter American Legion Post 268 and Commander Sheila Hagemeyer along with ...
ontgomery’s Virtuoso put on three wonderful performances of “Disney’s Freaky Friday: The Musical” during the last weekend of April. The story features a teenage daughter and her overworked mom who are shocked to discover that magic caused them to swap bodies. The two keep it a secret ...
With 170 students dressed to impress and ready to party, Muncy High School held its largest prom in years Friday at Farrington Place in Williamsport.
The theme “Night Under Lantern Light” was a Disney’s “Tangled”/Rapunzel theme and featured flickering lantern centerpieces, fresh ...