Mission Ecuador: Making a Difference in the “Middle of the World”
During our Ecuador visit this summer, the teachings of the Gospel of Matthew(25:35-40) became a living reality through our outreach mission efforts.
…For I was hungry and you fed me …
Due to our mission efforts, the following centers’ food pantries were briefly full:
• The “Jesus del Gran Poder” Parish, Cochapamba, Quito, soup kitchen feeds 50 people daily and provides an after-school snack for about 40 children. Food bags with essential basic foods are also delivered to elderly homebound individuals. The center received food, protein: three cases of chickens (eight pieces each), ground beef and one case each of sardines and tuna. Household needs and personal items.
• “Alegria de Vivir,” a day care center in Calderon, near Quito, for children ages toddler to 5 years old, serves meals, milk, and daily snacks to about 70 children. The center received food for the children’s meals, 12 cases of milk and healthy snacks.
• The “Instituto Estupiñan,” a home for displaced and disabled elderly persons in Latacunga, run by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul cares for about 60 residents. The center received food and personal items.
The $1,500 raised by our three local Catholic Churches–St. Boniface, Annunciation, and Resurrection in Muncy–enabled us to purchase much-needed food that fed all of the centers’ people for about 3-4 weeks and some personal items.
While our annual contribution helps to alleviate the daily struggles that the sisters and priests deal with while caring for the poor in Ecuador, our giving also enables these centers to experience the caring love of people thousands of miles away and for a time to “feast” on their blessings.
…I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me…
The Parish of Tanicuchi received $ 500.00 given to Fr. Pedro Casa, his parish maintains eight day care centers spread throughout his rural community. Funds where used to buy food, school supplies and personal items.
…I was thirsty and you gave me water…
Clean, safe drinking water is absent in many communities in Ecuador. Our $1,500.00 will be used as part of a Matching Grant to help provide for the construction of a reservoir, water tank, and installation of potable water systems for six low-income communities around Tanicuchi, Cotopaxi Province.
…sick and you visited me…
The “San Miguel” Rehabilitation Center for mentally and physically challenged individuals in Salcedo, Ecuador, under the direction of Fr. Antonio Vaca received $400.00 to acquire additional physical therapy equipment for the center.
In the words of our Lord, …whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you were doing it to me…