A Cody Lynch Christmas

Santa greets Cody Lynch at the Montgomery American Legion Riders “Adopt a Child” holiday celebration. (Photo provided by Steve Klapp)
On Dec. 21, the Montgomery American Legion Riders Post 251 held their second annual “Adopt-a-Child” holiday celebration at the Montgomery Legion.
This year, Cody Lynch, a 15-year-old boy from Montgomery who suffers from Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy and is wheelchair bound, was the Legion Rider’s special guest.
Cody and his brother, Chase, were surprised with a visit from Santa (John Wagner) as they arrived for the festivities at the legion. Cody received a Penn State jersey, a Play Station 3, video games, and other toys while Chase received a brand new Haro bicycle.
A check for $1,000 was presented to the boys’ parents to help with expenses and a special donation of $600 from Billings 911 to help pay for Cody’s wheelchair. The Mock families also donated $1,000 to the Legion Riders for this year’s program.
The Legion Riders “Adopt-a-Child” program originally started in December 2007 when President Steve Klapp heard of Ben Mock, a young boy with cancer.
The Legion Riders solicited donations from local businesses and within eight days, over $2,100 was raised. The Legion Riders purchased Christmas presents and presented a check to the family for $1,000 to help with medical expenses.
After Ben passed away in February 2008, the Legion Riders decided to continue this program to adopt a local child with special needs.
The Montgomery American Legion Riders were overwhelmed with the generosity of all of the businesses and individuals who made this year’s Adopt-a-Child program such a success.
Additionally, the Legion Riders has presented a check in the amount of $400 to the Watsontown Police Department, and the Montgomery Christmas Committee also received a check for $400 to assist in providing a brighter Christmas for the local children.