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Muncy Borough Council Tweaks Budget

By Staff | Dec 23, 2008

Preparing to pass its budgets before the end of the year, Borough Council on Thursday announced expected adjustments.

A five-hour meeting held earlier this month with members of the borough municipal authority resulted in a “positive give-and-take,” Councilwoman Linda Stein, finance committee chairwoman, said. “I think it was very productive,” she added.

Format changes are expected for the water budget, according to Stein.

Improving transparency, a line item will be added to reflect water tower heating at the industrial park.

No changes are expected for the bottom line monetary figures of the water budget, Stein said.

However, $10,000 is expected to be added to the sewer budget.

Two line items will be added-one for slip-lining throughout the borough and another for Chesapeake Bay cleanup.

No tax increases are expected, as the borough expects to pass the 2009 budgets Dec. 23.

Following the state’s new open record law effective Jan. 1, the borough appointed officers.

Ed Coup will serve as the open records officer, and Mary Lynne Rager will be the assistant open records officer.

Coup is also the borough manager, while Rager serves as borough secretary.

Solicitor Wilfred K. Knecht said it’s best to have the open records officers be people who have convenient access to records. He said they should be municipal employees, instead of elected officials.

In a separate appointment, Larson, Kellett & Associates was retained as borough auditors for another year.

Council accepted the resignation of Emergency Management Agency coordinator Harold “Corky” Blaker, effective Dec. 31. Richard Sutton was appointed as a temporary coordinator until Blaker’s replacement can be found.

A 102 N. Market St. structure is expected to be demolished, but property within could possibly be salvaged. The borough authorized to seek bids to demolish the property with and without salvage rights.