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Events of Interest

By Staff | Jan 27, 2009

Attention, Muncy/Montgomery/Hughesville Area Senior Citizens: volunteers at the Senior Citizens Information Center at Muncy Valley Hospital provide information, forms and assistance with filing for services such as the PACE/PACENET prescription program, property tax and rent rebate, inexpensive transportation provided by Lycoming/Clinton transportation services and reduced fee auto registration. The Center is open every Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-12 Noon. For more information call (570) 546-4278.

Son Light House, 130 Carpenter St., Muncy, one of the largest food pantry program in Lycoming County has hours of operation for donations are every Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 8-10 a.m.; food, clean, usable, seasonable clothing, toys and furniture may be donated only at this time.

Distributions: every other week on Wednesday 10 a.m. to noon; Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m. Distribution dates: Feb. 4,5, 18-19.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is planning to conduct a free 12-week course to educate family members, partners and friends of individuals with a mental illness.

The class is structured to help caregivers understand and support persons with serious mental illness while maintaining their own well-being.

Some of the topics covered are: information about the seven major mental illnesses, coping skills, handling crisis and relapse, listening and communication techniques, problem solving and limit setting, rehabilitation, understanding the actual experience of people suffering from mental illness, self-care, learning to recognize normal emotional reactions in family members, basic information about medications and their side effects, information about connecting with appropriate community services and community supports, advocacy, getting better services, fighting discrimination and stigma.

The course is scheduled to begin on March 3, at the Sharwell Building, 200 East Street, Williamsport. Contact Sondra at 570-368-2921 to register and for more information. Registration deadline is Feb. 12.

Montgomery Area Senior Citizens will meet Tuesday, Feb. 3 for a tureen dinner at noon at St. John Lutheran Church (Brick Church) on Rt. 405, Montgomery. Reservations are not required, but bring table service and a dish to share. The program will follow with Kent Bennett and Barry Rake discussing topics of interest to Senior Citizens.

The Welcome Newcomers Club meets at various times throughout the month with such activities as dinner club, ladies day out, arts and crafts, breakfast/brunch/lunch and bunco.

On Wednesday, Feb. 11, we’re meeting at Le Jeune Chef for a pastry demonstration by Chef Charles, the head of the Penn College Pastry Department. He’ll be showing us how to make a yummy chocolate dessert for Valentine’s Day. Ofcourse, a tasting party will follow the demonstration. E-mail williamsportnewcomers@gmail.com or call Renee at 570-435-2002 or Chris at 570-220-2897 for specific time, location.

Teens, are you thinking about going into the healthcare field? Each month during the school year, Susquehanna Health presents a program for 8th-12th grade students to experience what it’s like to work in healthcare. Different programs are offered from 6-7:30 p.m. at Susquehanna Health.

Teens may register at susquehannahealth.org/Volunteers/HealthCareers4U or call (570) 321-2433. Parents are welcome but do not need to register.

Programs for the rest of the school year include Sports Medicine and Athletic Trainers, Feb. 9; CSI, Clinical Lab Science Investigation, Feb. 17; Pharmacy, March 9; Physicians and Physician Assistants, March 23; Nursing Careers, April 16; Applications, Resumes and Interviews Made Easy, April 28.

Learn how different animals cope with winter survival at a program from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, at PPL’s Montour Environmental Preserve.

Jon Beam, PPL senior naturalist, will lead this program that will explore the natural history and winter ecology of some of Pennsylvania’s animals and take a look at the tracks and other clues that critters leave behind. If there is snow on the ground, an optional walk outdoors will follow the program. Please dress for the weather.

The program, which is free and great for all ages, will take place at the Environmental Education Center. For more information and directions, contact the preserve at 570-437-3131 or e-mail jdbeam@pplweb.com