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Lycoming County Conservation District Annual Seedling Sale

By Staff | Feb 6, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009 Noon to 6:00 PM

White Pine, Colorado Blue Spruce, American Arborvitae, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, White Flowering Dogwood, Redbud, Black Chokeberry, Blueberries, Apple Trees and Pear Trees. Native Wildflower Seed Mix and 2 yr Fertilizer Tablets available for sale at pickup site.

* Fruit Trees- If you do not have other trees, 1 of each variety is needed for pollination

Seedlings must be pre-ordered. For order form please contact the Conservation District office at (570) 433-3003 or wwwlyco.org. Orders accepted if available until April 1, 2009. Make checks payable to the Lycoming County Conservation District and mail orders to:

542 County Farm Rd, Suite 202, Montoursville, PA 17754. If not prepaid, payment is due when orders are picked up.

Directions for pick-up at the County Farm Complex: Friday, April 17, 2009 Noon to 6:00 PM. Warrensville Exit off Route 180 and travel Warrensville Road for 2.5 miles. Make a right onto County Farm Road and at the “T” make a right.