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PennDOT Chili Cook-Off Successful

By Staff | Feb 25, 2009

PennDOT District 3-0 district office employees in Montoursville continue to find ways to give back to the community.

On Wednesday, Feb. 11, the employees held a lunchtime chili cook-off, with all proceeds going to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

District employees who volunteered to organize the fund raiser took advantage of the fact that District Executive (DE) Sandy Tosca was hosting a statewide meeting of the executives from all 11 PennDOT districts, to pull from a larger pool of donors for the special luncheon.

The cook-off raised $603.35, which will enable the food bank to purchase 3,352 pounds of food for the area’s needy families. In addition, 27 quarts of left-over chili and assorted breads are being donated to St. Anthony’s Food Kitchen in Williamsport.

“We are grateful for the generosity of the PennDOT employees of District 3. This was an enjoyable afternoon of wonderful, homemade chili, all the while remembering those who are in need. We look forward to continuing this great partnership with PennDOT and working together to feed hungry families, children and seniors in Central Pennsylvania,” said Jamie Jones, Food Bank Branch Director.

First place in the voting went to Inez Johnson, the second-place chili maker wished to remain anonymous, while third place went to Shaun Stackhouse.

Thirteen employees donated crocks or roaster pans filled with their favorite recipes, while other employees baked bread or provided other supplies for the luncheon. The judging panel tasted the many chilies covering both extremes, from mild to the fabulously hot.