Muncy Garden Club
Muncy Garden Club will meet at 7:30 p. m. Thursday March 19 at St. James Church Main St. Muncy, in the parish hall. Program "Pussy Willows." Presented by Spring Farm with Gary Jones. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Muncy Garden Club will meet at 7:30 p. m. Thursday March 19 at St. James Church Main St. Muncy, in the parish hall. Program "Pussy Willows." Presented by Spring Farm with Gary Jones. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in Pennsylvania. Despite these grim statistics, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, with early screening there is a 90 percent survival rate.In recognition of National Colorectal ...
Penn State Cooperative Extension will be holding workshops on backyard composting at the Penn State Cooperative Extension Office, 542 County Farm Rd., Ste 206, Montoursville.The workshops will be presented by the Penn State Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners, and will cover the benefits of ...
Miss Amanda Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hill of Muncy, has been selected finalist for Pennsylvania's 29th Annual Homecoming Queen Selection to be held March 21 and 22 at the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She is the Muncy High School Homecoming ...
A bingo night for local teens and teen on Friday, March 13, from 4-5:30 p.m. There will be candy for all players and prizes for the winners. Sign up at the library. This is a free event.A Duct Tape activity night for teens on St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17, from 7-8:30 p.m. Make wallets, ...
The Muncy Professional and Business Association will meet at Orlie's Deli, on Thursday, March 5, 7 p.m.The Muncy Business and Professional Women's Club will meet on Monday, March 9 at 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 602 S. Market St., Muncy. Guest speaker will be Jean Hammond, ...
Muncy Historical Society opens to the public in March and its first guest speaker for the 2009 season is Joan Wheal Blank, who will present a program about Lycoming County veteran graves at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, March 8.Blank, a Montgomery resident and Hughesville native, will give an overview of ...
Using a multi-media format, Jim Mothersbaugh converses with a student on the big screen. Inset is upclose of Mothersbaugh, also known as Jimbo on the Road Radio U.S.A. show, which warns high school students of the dangers of drinking alcohol illegally and irresponsibly. Mothersbaugh is a ...
Three generations of Eagle Scouts from left to right: John L. Bruch Jr. of Muncy, Eagle Scout 1940; John L. Bruch III, Eagle Scout 1970; and John L. Bruch IV, Eagle Scut 2009. The younger Bruch is a member of Martin's West Baltimore Area Council. The three were honored during an awards banquet ...
George A. Fraley of Muncy, has been named the "Mason of the Year" by the members of Muncy Lodge No. 299, F.&A.M. This award is given annually to honor and recognize one of their members for their dedication, service and commitment not only to their Lodge, but also to other Masonic ...