Volunteer EMT's and nurses from each of the fire departments in Muncy helped the school district give out the vaccine."/>
Volunteer EMT's and nurses from each of the fire departments in Muncy helped the school district give out the vaccine."/> Swine Flu Vaccinations In Muncy School District A Success More Coming and President Declares Influenza A National Emergency | News, Sports, Jobs - Muncy Luminary
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Swine Flu Vaccinations In Muncy School District A Success More Coming and President Declares Influenza A National Emergency

By Staff | Oct 27, 2009

Jay Drumheller, head nurse for Muncy School District shows the first H1N1 vaccine that was administered last Tuesday at the Pennsdale Civic Center.

Over four hundred students were given a vaccine for the H1N1 flu strain last week in three locations within the district. Muncy School District was the first in Lycoming County to administer the vaccine that was administered through the Department of Health out of Harrisburg. “The dosages were delivered to us on Friday, October 9,” said Dr. Portia Brandt, school superintendent.

Volunteer EMT’s and nurses from each of the fire departments in Muncy helped the school district give out the vaccine. 140 were given in Pennsdale last Tuesday, 161 children received it at the Geringer Hall on Wednesday and 135 got it on Thursday at the Clarkstown Fire Hall.

Most of the children who came in with their parents were between the ages of five and twelve but it was offered to all grades. A second dose will be administered on November 19 for ages five to nine and for those who were turned away because of a fever or being on certain medications. Temperatures were taken before the children could receive the vaccine to make sure they were in good health for the vaccine to be effective. The second dosage will be given tentatively at the Pennsdale Civic Center,” said Dr. Brandt. “Others may come to this as well,” added Dr. Brandt. Currently, the demand is higher than the supply.

Even with the seasonal flu, underlying medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease and pregnancy place people at greater risk of serious flu-related complications.” according to the Centers for Disease Control. They will be the first to receive it. If there is a pandemic of H1N1, Pennsylvania is one of 27 states that are short of hospital beds even during a “mild outbreak” they stated.

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says that the swine flu takes longer to manufacture than other strains but they are predicting to make 8 to 10 million doses per week in the next few weeks.

Is the Swine Flu Dangerous?

According to an investigative report on 60 minutes, 99% of the people who contract the swine flu suffer only mild flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, mild fever, and aches and pains. They fully recover in a few days after bed rest with no hospitalization required.

It is recommended that if your child is suffering from a fever or any other flu like symptoms to keep them home at rest during the duration of the illness.

In keeping with the administration’s proactive approach to H1N1 Flu, President Obama on Sunday night signed a proclamation declaring 2009-H1N1 Influenza a national emergency. The proclamation enhances the ability of our Nation’s medical treatment facilities to handle a surge in H1N1 patients by allowing, as needed, the waiver of certain standard federal requirements on a case-by-case basis. A copy of the proclamation and the accompanying message to Congress are attached.

The foundation of our national approach to the H1N1 flu has been preparedness at all levels – personal, business, and government – and this proclamation helps that effort by advancing our overall response capability.

Please check Flu.gov for the most up-to-date news on H1N1, preparedness, and vaccine distribution.