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The Ashkar Times Newsletter Debuts in November

By Staff | Dec 1, 2009

Looking over articles for the upcoming issue is Amanda Emig pictured with several of the Ashkar Star Reporters.

The Ashkar Times November 2009. Vol.1. Issue 1 “hit the stands” at Ashkar Elementary in Hughesville with a big flourish. The paper’s format is large in size, filled with multiple pages of articles on Ashkar happenings and it’s people, photographs, crossword puzzles, and cartoons. The Advisor is Amanda Emig and the co-advisor is Jo Shurer. Ashkar students write all of the articles. The students are called The Ashkar Star Reporters. 11 reporters are from 3rd grade, 6 are from 4th grade, and 14 students are from the 6th grade. The student reporters were given the opportunity to choose the name of the newsletter. They are assigned articles on a monthly basis to cover, and are encouraged to meet the deadlines for submission to the current Ashkar Times issue.

The process of starting the Ashkar Times started on a Saturday in October. Amanda Emig led a workshop in the multi-purpose room to all interested students in grades 3 through 6. Over 20 students attended the session and gained valuable information about the history of the newspaper, a comparison of the difference between newspapers and books, and the proper procedure necessary to conduct an interview.

Emig said, ” There is a style for writing a news article that is different from writing a book report. Students are looking for the who, what, where, and when for every article.” Emig later went on to say that ” I really hope parents, students, staff, and members of the community are pleased with the issue, and would like to thank the Ashkar PTA for sponsoring this program as well as Mrs. Jo Shurer for co-advising the effort.”

To check out the Ashkar Times google the East Lycoming School District, click on East Lycoming School District / Welcome, click on Select a School, and choose Ashkar. Look for Announcements. Click on the Ashkar Times Newspaper and enjoy!