The auditorium renovations are finished and it is ready for use, reported high school Principal Timothy Welliver.

New hires for the district include Jaime Luckenbill who was appointed long-term substitute secondary Spanish teacher."/>
The auditorium renovations are finished and it is ready for use, reported high school Principal Timothy Welliver.

New hires for the district include Jaime Luckenbill who was appointed long-term substitute secondary Spanish teacher."/> Back to School | News, Sports, Jobs - Muncy Luminary
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Back to School

By Staff | Aug 24, 2010

MUNCY – “The budget is tight, but OK for now,” assured Dr. Portia Brandt, Superintendent for Muncy School District. The District will be openings the doors for the beginning of the school year next Monday, Aug. 30. Dr. Brandt thanked the custodial and maintenance staff for preparing the buildings and grounds over the summer break.

The auditorium renovations are finished and it is ready for use, reported high school Principal Timothy Welliver.

New hires for the district include Jaime Luckenbill who was appointed long-term substitute secondary Spanish teacher. The position begins around Oct. 10 and runs through the school year.

Numerous athletic coaching appointments were also made, including Craig Weaver, varsity girls basketball head coach; Jeff Scott, assistant football coach; Bo Meyer, varsity assistant girls’ tennis coach; Lance Mabus, volunteer with the boys’ soccer and numbers game managers.

Muncy School District only has one new full time teacher this upcoming school year. Mallory Hafer was hired as a Special Education Teacher at the elementary building. Brandt and others noted the resignation of Laurie Scherer, secondary guidance counselor, who has accepted a position at another school district. Amy Colonie moved to a master’s degree as equivalent plus-30 salary.

The Curriculum remains the same but with a change at the high school which will go from an 8 period day a 9 period day according to Brandt. “This will tighten up student schedules and eliminate study halls for the most part. It gives an increase in the time for each period and allows more instructional time per class,” Brandt explained.

An open house luncheon is scheduled this Thursday August 26th at 11:30 at the elementary school.