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Muncy School Board adjusts credits for Class of 2013

By Staff | Oct 5, 2010

The school board voted 9-0 in favor of changing the high school graduation requirements based on the recommendations by Superintendent, Dr. Portia Brandt, and Dr. Kathryn Hamilton, director of curriculum and instruction. Changes will occur with the graduating class of 2013, currently sophomores.

“Overall, we are still well above the state requirement of 21 credits,” said Dr. Brandt. Students at Muncy take three pathways toward earning a diploma. They have a choice of enrolling in a higher educational curriculum, taking a career education direction or going to the Lycoming Career and Technology Center.

The changes in credit requirements will allow more time for remediation for students to prepare to take the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment exams according to Brandt.

Going from nine to 8 credits a day was also a major impact she explained regarding the number of credits.

Students graduating with higher education courses will need 28.5 credits. Career education pathway students will need 26.5 credits.