Bingo RULES for the day
HUGHESVILLE – It was called Gift Card Bingo and did the numbers ever come. Over 100 people packed the cafeteria at Hughesville High School on Saturday afternoon for a fundraiser benefitting the high school’s Spartan Marching Band.
Bertie Fisher, Fundraiser Chair said over 100 tickets were sold for the event. The money will go towards two events. She acknowledged that the Marching Band was invited to the Gator Bowl Game in Jacksonville, Florida on Jaunary 2, 2013 to perform at half time. “They will also be giving a performance at the Gator Bowl Parade on Dec. 31, 2012,” Fisher said. About 75 students will be participating with an estimated cost of about $1,000 each. Fortunately, they got a good start with the Gift Card Bingo fundraiser and raised $2700 dollars. “This is the first time in history that the Hughesville Marching Band was asked to play at a Bowl Game,” according to Mark Boyer, Band Leader for the school district.
A year’s worth of planning and activities will take place throughout the school year to raise as much money as possible towards the trip. Group fundraisers such as money raffles and pizza sales are already scheduled. Earlier this month the students sold 356 poinsettias and made a little over $1,000 profit according to Fisher.
There were 4 special games for $100 prizes and twenty games were played to win $50 gift cards.
Fisher and volunteers approached major local retailers for gift card donations. Support came from Best Buy, Toys R Us, Wegman’s, Weis, TJ’s Market, Lowe’s in Clarkstown, Styers Market, Gary’s Furniture and Country Store in Pennsdale.
In the past, fundraisers were popular and well attended for basket bingo. Using the same strategy and already familiar with the rules, Fisher thought it would be a good idea to try using gift cards instead. About 20 of the students were also on hand to help. They volunteered their time taking tickets, calling the numbers, checking the cards, validating the winners, and playing bingo cards for others.
Each player received a strip of six cards per game for 20 games. Additional cards were purchased for an additional fee, and special cards were purchased for Special Games for a dollar each. Winners had to be present to win any prizes and drawings, and the games started at 1 p.m.
Next, the band is getting ready to take orders for pizza kits. If anyone is interested in helping with donations for the Spartan Marching Band, they may contact Mark Boyer at the high school.