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Colorful Designs made at Ashkar

By Staff | Feb 7, 2012

Pictured with their symmetrical designs are students representing all Ashkar third grade classes.

HUGHESVILLE – Third grade students at Ashkar Elementary School in Mrs. Brink’s, Mrs. Carroll’s, Mrs. Michael’s, and Mrs. Mowrey’s math classes recently learned about symmetry. This was done with mirror images, line segments, measuring angles, and drawing angles.

Each classroom achieved the objectives of the geometry unit, demonstrating their knowledge, and skill through creating uniquely different symmetrical patterns. The use of brightly colored paper shapes, colored pencils, and markers provided avenues of originality and creativity for each classroom.

The students had the opportunity to look for and identify symmetry patterns in everyday objects, making connections to what they were learning in the classroom to their own life.

At the conclusion of the unit, the third grade teachers displayed all of their student’s finished designs in the hallway for all to enjoy.