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Students get ready for Service Fair at Penn State

By Staff | Mar 6, 2012

Students from Muncy High School enjoy themselves for the night playing scrabble and banana grams while raising money for Ronald McDonald Charity houses. The event was sponsored by the Key Club, a student run organization.

MUNCY – The second annual lock-in was held this year on Friday night at Muncy High School. According to Matt Alexander, advisor for the Muncy Key Club, the sponsoring organization, close to 60 students registered for the event.

The Key Club is a student run organization according to President, Natalie Leonard who sent out over 100 letters to businesses and residents in the community to help support the Lock-In fundraiser. “In order for this event to be successful, we need the help of our community,” Leonard said.

All money raised by the students and sponsors will go to the Ronald McDonald Charities which will be designated at the annual statewide Key Club Convention on March 17 at Penn State University. The purpose of the Lock-In is to raise awareness about a specific issue while providing an opportunity to be part of the solution. It is really a fast, lasting from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Leonard said that Ronald McDonald House Charities help sick children through recovery and give families a comfortable place to stay during a difficult time and offer medical services to children who don’t have any. “We will present the check along with the other clubs and competitors at the service fair this month,” Alexander said. “We hope to raise over $2,000.” This charitable program provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close to their hospitalized child at little or no extra cost. There are 211 chapter organizations of Pennsylvania key clubs raising funds for Ronald McDonald House this year.

Students who registered were able to give any amount, depending on how many sponsorships they solicit. “Wegman’s donated breakfast and Kellogg’s gave us some pop tarts,” said Alexander. There were several community sponsors this year, thanks to the efforts of the officers. Some of the monetary donations came from Garth Everett, Sammy’s restaurant, Haywoods restaurant and Fry’s Plastics.

Last year the students gave to the World Food Bank and experienced what thousands of Americans feel on a regular basis, hunger. The event was open to all grades 9 through 12. Dan Hamm, a senior from Loyalsock High School, and the District Secretary and Treasurer for the Pennsylvania Key Club, came to help out. He said Muncy High School was only one of few schools in Lycoming County doing the lock-in. Teachers participated too and helped as chaperones. Chelsea Astin, a senior said, “I wanted to do something different. I never did this before, that is stay out all night and not eat!”

The students were able to play volleyball, dodgeball, board games, watch movies, dance to music, whatever it takes to stay busy and not eat. The fast began at 10 p.m. and the students were able to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and blankets.

Full time security officer, Don Allen said he was staying for the night to make sure the kids remain safe. The Key Club officers who helped out this year are Natalie Leonard, President; MacKenzie Ruby, Vice-President; Kayla Heckman, Secretary; and Jen Vo, Treasurer.