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Montgomery Virtuoso To Present Disney’s “TARZAN”

By Staff | Apr 9, 2013

The roles of Tarzan and Jane are being played by seniors, Dominic Galanti and Ashleigh Keiper.

The Montgomery Area High School Vocal and Drama ensemble, Virtuoso, will be presenting the musical “TARZAN” on Saturday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets can be reserved via email at cmcnear@montasd.org. Tickets will also be available at the door for both shows.

The 83 member cast, pit, and crew of “TARZAN” consist of some of Montgomery’s finest academic, musical, theatrical and athletic students. Virtuoso is thrilled to be bringing Phil Collins’ version of the Tarzan story to this area. The show was just released for licensing this past fall.

Virtuoso has been in existence for 14 years as a show choir but is in its fifth season as a drama and musical theatre ensemble. Recent performances include the fall play “Kill Me, Deadly” and the 2012 musical performance “THE WIZ”. Virtuoso strives to encourage student production, whenever possible, to provide a well-rounded theatrical experience. This year, Virtuoso is continuing its middle school counterpoint, Virtuoso Junior. Select eighth grade students have been shadowing high school Virtuoso members in the areas of singing, acting, dancing and tech and will be performing in “TARZAN”.

Virtuoso is co-directed by Carina McNear, Jessica Carpenter, and Abigail Saul. Brian Rehn is the orchestra director. All advisors would like to thank the cast, pit, and crew for their hard work and dedication as well as the school district and families for their continued support of the arts.