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In Our Schools

Student Council members help senior citizens celebrate

MUNCY - Sixty household seniors will be quite pleased this Thanksgiving when they get a visit from Meals on Wheels containing an extra special placemat made just for them by members of the Myers Elementary School's student council members.On Thursday afternoon, November 19th, advisors Jean ...

Students get taste of real world with financial matters

MUNCY - Juniors and seniors at Muncy High School got a hands on "taste of the real world" when it comes to money. On Thursday, October 15 during International Credit Union Day, a financial reality fair was held at the school's cafeteria to allow students to experience a life engaging lesson on ...

Students gather for freedom walk

HUGHESVILLE - Although many were not yet born before the 9-11 event, the students at Ashkar Elementary School in East Lycoming School District say "they will never forget it" as they learned its history on Friday morning during a memorial tribute throughout the day.Soon after lunch, the fourth ...

Webster announces high school senior award

HUGHESVILLE - The third annual Robert Webster Local History Award was announced by Carol Mordan and presented by Mr. Webster to Jordana Wagner.Jordana is the daughter of Anita and Jesse Wagner of Moreland Township.Mordan said that "Essays received from the students were exceptional this year, ...

5th graders create life size box maze

After climbing through the life size "Box Maze" at Montgomery Elementary School, Kurrah Bohner signs her name on the banner. The maze was created by Mr. Pete Ruhl's fifth grade class, and all of the elementary grades were able to crawl through it. The boxes were donated by Beiter's Home ...

5th graders create life size box maze

After climbing through the life size "Box Maze" at Montgomery Elementary School, Kurrah Bohner signs her name on the banner. The maze was created by Mr. Pete Ruhl's fifth grade class, and all of the elementary grades were able to crawl through it. The boxes were donated by Beiter's Home ...

LCTC graduates 80 from area high schools

HUGHESVILLE - Eighty students form area high schools were honored by the Lycoming Career and Technology Center May 27 during its annual senior ceremony held at Hughesville High School.Highlights of the ceremony included the presentation of the Student of the Year honors to Kirklain Alexander, a ...

Muncy fifth-graders honor deceased veterans

MUNCY - Fifth grade students from Myers Elementary School in Muncy visited the Muncy Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, May 20th where they placed over 1,000 flags on the grave sites of all the veterans.The students have been doing this tradition for the past 15 years, according to one of their ...

LCTC Student of the Year

PHOTO PROVIDEDKirklain Alexander (right), nominated as the Lycoming Career and Technology Student of the Year, receives his certificate from Walt Reed, Workforce Development Coordinator and Dean of Students.

Art students place in art fest

HUGHESVILLE - East Lycoming School District had their spring arts festival on May 6 and May 7. Exhibits were represented from the Art, Computer, Music and S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) departments. It was held in the high school gymnasium and open to the ...