by Mary Megan Wolfe
Those of you who know me will never believe this, but I joined the ELYMCA. Even more unbelievable is the fact that I’m actually going on a regular basis, using the equipment and taking the classes that are offered. Apparently, I’m going through a mid-life crisis and feel that it’s time to get this tired, old body into some type of good physical condition.
It all started when my husband joined the “Y” back in June. Boy Scout Troop 26 was hiking the Loyalsock Trail at the end of the summer, and being the scoutmaster, he felt that he should get into shape.
Since then, he has really stuck with it and kept encouraging me to join. I finally broke down, took a tour of the facility and tried some classes; and guess what–I’m actually enjoying it.
They offer classes in spinning, yoga, circuit training (my favorite), kick boxing and several other aerobic activities. They even offer a “Silver Sneakers” class for the older generation. My father enjoys playing cards at the Senior Center at the “Y” on Friday evenings.
I would encourage everyone in the area to stop by and take a look at the Eastern Lycoming YMCA behind the dome. Whether it’s a fitness class, using the equipment or swimming in the pool, there is something there for everyone.
The Clarkstown-Lairdsville Lutheran Parrish is planning an evangelism project to be held Saturday, Nov. 22 at the Clarkstown Fire Hall. Plans include a children’s Chinese auction, a reserved bid adult silent auction and a public Charity Auction to be held at 7 p.m. Doors open at 3 p.m. for viewing and bidding for the auctions, which close at 6:30 p.m. A buffet style dinner will be served from 4-6:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance from church members or at the door.
Christ United Methodist Church in Hughesville will be hosting a “Ladies Day For Relay” on Sunday, Nov. 23 from 1-4:00 p.m. in the church social hall. This event will benefit the CUM relay for life team. Vendors and items from Mary Kay, Creative Memories, Signature’s Home Décor, Shelia Barto’s Jewelry and Pampered Chef will be displayed. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society.
James F. O’Bryon, author, musician, consultant on national defense and security for clients in the private sector and U.S. government, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, will be speaking twice in the Williamsport area.
The Christian Women’s Brunch Club will host O’Bryon on Thursday, Dec. 11, from 9:30-11 a.m. at the Best Western Williamsport Inn, East Third St., (behind TGIFriday’s). Cost is $11. Reservations are preferred by Dec. 5. Call 323-5365 for reservations.
The After 5 Club of Christian Business and Professional Women will also be hosting O’Bryon on Thursday, Dec. 11, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Best Western Williamsport Inn. Bob Smith from the Olde Barn Centre will also be a featured guest. Cost is $16 and reservations are preferred by Dec. 8. Call 323-1477 for reservations.
Congratulations to my wonderful niece Jennie, who gave birth over the weekend to a beautiful baby girl. Mother and daughter, Elise, are doing well.
Birthday wishes to Debbie Cahn, Courtney McCowan, Amy Shetler, Gene Lupold and Ray Snyder-Nov. 19; “Cabin Girl” Eileen (Hall) Montgomery, Elaine George, Hailey Bower and Terry Nickles-Nov. 20; William Walters-Nov. 21; Todd McCowan, Elaine Avery and Angela Bower-Nov. 22; Larry Deppen, Dave Maciejewski, Leigh Houseknecht, Dan Rogers and Noah Confer-Nov. 23; Susan Kapp, Darlene Nickles, Ellen Moon and Gabriel Martin-Nov. 24; Joyce Puderbaugh-Nov. 25.
Happy anniversary to Mike and Lori Wallis-Nov. 22; Grant and Ruth Shaner, Oliver and Patty Holmes-Nov. 23; Bob and Betty Lou Haffley, Myron and Carol Fiester-Nov. 25.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.