by Mary Megan Wolfe
Thanksgiving may be my favorite holiday of the year. In preparation for the event, I’ve battled the lines at the grocery store, bought a turkey so large that if swung properly could kill a 300 pound man and am already setting our dining room table. My husband, being a connoisseur of stuffing, has already picked out his new recipe for this year.
One thing I will regret this year is that my father’s college roommate and his wife will not be able to join us for the holiday. They have been friends with our family for over 60 years, but regrettably poor health is keeping them away. On the bright side, we have my niece’s brand new baby that everyone will be waiting to hold.
A baked goods fundraiser will be held on Nov. 30, 10-2p.m. in Muncy Valley across the street from the Maplewood Shoppes and also in Dushore in front of the Jolly Trolley. Dancers from D&K’s Studio of Dance will be having the fundraiser to offset the costs of an upcoming dance convention. If you’d like to donate a baked good, deliver it to Kristin Shultz or D&K Studio of Dance, Hughesville.
The Community Theatre League in Williamsport will present “A Christmas Story” based on the holiday film, on Dec. 4, 5, 6 and 10, 11, 12, and 13 at 7:30 p.m. Matinee performance will be on Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. Call 570-327-1720 from 11-4 p.m. for tickets and information. Hughesville’s own Brandt Snyder has the lead role in this production so come out and support him.
The 39+ Club will meet Dec. 10 at 11:45 a.m. for a catered Christmas Dinner. Reservations must be made by Dec. 1. Call Patty Clayton at 584-3566 or Lynera Long at 546-5215.
Birthday wishes to Aaron Elser, Amanda Brown, Terry Little, Samuel Gottschall, Anita Wagner and Carey Farnsworth-Nov. 26; Duane Knopp and Ann VanDine-Nov. 27; David Shultz, Anne Sweeney, Jason Campbell and Chris Niemczyk-Nov. 28; Nancy (Fought) Sullivan, Neil Yarish, Patty Holmes, Buddy Taggart, Joel Worley, Anita Watts and Ben Kapp-Nov. 29; Jed Ritter, Delores Zimmerman, Sarah Kapp, Rebecca Hetherington, Richard Baer and Faith Marie Soto-Nov. 30.
Happy anniversary to: John and Ann Marquardt, Richard and Arlene Strausser-Nov. 26; Roger and Angie Bower-Nov. 27; Gene and Eileen Winter, Lynn and Laura VanDine, Gene and Ruth Lupold-Nov. 28; Egbert and Frances Hall-Nov. 30.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.