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By Staff | Nov 26, 2008

A major faux paux was made last week concerning the Catholic Church of the Resurrection’s new church dedication–there was nothing simple about it, as reported.

According to various sources, a 3-hour meaningful program, which included a blessing from Bishop Joseph Martino and a symbolic key ceremony took place, following the procession from the old church to the new church property. The Luminary apologizes for its extremely poor judgment and lax coverage of the historic event, and for leading its readers to believe the magnificent dedication was anything otherwise.

Omitted dates in the Tuna Christmas performances, originally listed as Dec. 5-6, should also include Dec. 12-13 at the Ritz Theatre. Tuna Christmas opens at 7:30 p.m., with an admission of $15. (Doors open at 7 p.m.)

Join Muncy High School senior Caleb Feigles and Bob Taylor, of Custom Taylored Productions, along with some second costume changes, as they portray all 24 citizens of Texas’ third smallest town, where the Lions Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies. It’s 24 hours ’til Christmas and all comic confusion is about to break loose as the delightfully eccentric residents of Tuna attempt to cope with seasonal traumas as the disaster-prone little theater production of a Christmas Carol, and a yard decorating contest that is being sabotaged by a mysterious Christmas phantom. Nonstop hilarity is guaranteed to start your holiday season off with a laugh.

Things are tough all over, but just because the economy is in a slump doesn’t necessarily mean the work industry follows suit. According to “http://www.careerbuilder.com”>www.careerbuilder.com, there are some occupations that thrive during a depression: accounting; education; the entertainment industry; utility companies; repairers–home, car, commercial, industrial; the energy industry; health care; senior services; law enforcement; “sin” industries, such as gambling, alcohol and sex; the clergy; repossession, foreclosure and debt collection industries; and government work.

The occupation of David Nicewinter in the Big Diehl bakery article last week should have read as “
assistant director of operations at Tampa International Airport,” rather than as an air traffic controller.

Happy 40th birthday to Susan Holtzapple Roca on Nov. 28.

A word of caution to all the deer hunters–please be careful this season.