
Mary Megan Wolfe
As many of you know, we have a son. Naturally, we think he’s wonderful and we’ve heard him described by others as kind, polite, smart, funny, etc., something in which we take great pride.
However, he will be 13 in two months, and is constantly reminding me that I really don’t have a clue as to what is going on. He already knows about everything; and if on that rare occasion he doesn’t know about something, then it is my fault for not telling him. Whenever I do try to tell him something the answer is, “I know.”
I suggest something and he tells me, “Mom, that may have been how you did it ‘back in the day’, but we don’t do it that way now.” Of course, if Dad suggests the same thing, then it apparently is the greatest concept ever created.
At other times, he will just come up behind me and give me a hug for no reason and my heart melts. I’ve come to the realization that parenting is a paradox and you just have to go with the flow–or the hormones, whatever the case may be. My friend Nancy Hodge told me that this will continue for a few years. Then one day when he’s 17 or 18, he will make a mature decision that will totally throw us, and we will realize that he has become a responsible adult.
As I look back to my own youth, I remember trying to stretch boundaries and become my own person. I always say that I was a brat from the time I was 14 to the time I was 36; my poor parents.
This type of behavior is nothing new for teenagers and has been occurring throughout the ages. The only thing parents can do is be patient, try to do our best and try to remember what it was like growing up.
Congratulations to those businesses who took part in the Hughesville Christmas parade this past weekend. The Spartan band also participated in their very festive holiday chapeaus. All involved braved a very cold wintry day!
Huntersville area senior citizens will have their Christmas dinner on Wednesday, Dec. 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Huntersville United Methodist Church. It will be catered by the Stations House. Entertainment by Carl and Opal Schlappi.
TOPS-Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets at the Friends Church in Hughesville every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. Call 435-2902 or 584-4530.
Remember, a subscription to the Luminary makes a great holiday gift for those near and far!
Birthday wishes go out to the following: Wyatt Gardner-Dec. 10; Greg Gerney, Kenneth Statts, Kate Michael and Jane Opp-Dec. 11; Mark Egly, Greg Taggart, Jeff Ryder, Dwight Herr and Riley Dunkleberger-Dec. 12; Ann Marquardt, Jim Babb, Mary Lee Ryder and Nolan Ovelman-Dec. 13; Chris Secules, Jessica Hawley, Phyllis Snyder and Dawson Temple-Dec. 14; Gregory Davidson, Jason Walter, Joshua Temple, Adison Sampson, Tom Spring, Ann Parr and Alexis Robbins-Dec. 15; Mike Hess, Ruth Long (90 years), Stephen Peterman, Justin Dobson, Rob Mueller and Ashley Ruth Fisher-Dec. 16.
Happy anniversary to Gary and Trudy Temple-Dec. 13.
Remember; take the high road because the l