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By Staff | Dec 23, 2008

The time is here and another Christmas holiday has rolled around. As I look back over the past few weeks, I reflect upon the days leading up to Christmas, and I’ve put together my own list of “The 12 Days of Christmas.”

Although it might not be traditional, it is fairly accurate. So far I’ve counted twelve paper cuts from wrapping presents; eleven reasons to purchase gift cards instead of clothing; ten trips to the mall; nine extra pounds from eating Christmas cookies; eight days of school vacation; seven inches of snow; six returned Christmas cards because of wrong addresses; five days off work; four holiday parties, three expired shopping coupons; two overseas packages; and one 2-lb. turkey for Christmas dinner.

I hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

Birthday wishes go out to the following: Sean Houseknecht and Heather Getgen-Dec. 24; Randi K. (DeWees) Doebler, Carol Schneider, Jane Voneida (95 years), Michael Wallis, Jesse Confer, and Jesus Christ-Dec. 25; Cathy (Deppen) Houseknecht, James Meador, Duane Gardner, Nanci Spring, Vivian Zeisloft, Heather Peterman and Ephraim Langdon-Dec. 26; Brian Gerney, Allie Reese, Mike McCoy, Laura Copeland and Florence Neuhard-Dec. 27; Kyra Fry, Ann (Barto) Milheim and Rosella Warrick-Dec. 28; Traci Clementoni, Bill DeWire, John McConnell, Lois Maneval, John Steele, Lisa Brown and Joyce Herr-Dec. 29; Molly Armstrong, Alysha Taggart, Pamela Herr, Harold Rider and Debra Rosbach-Dec. 30; Anne (Townsend) Bulkley, Eileen Berger, Joy Garverick, Josephine Houseknecht and Sharon Snyder-Dec. 31.

Happy anniversary to Darcy and Nan (Wanamaker) Ryder, Greg and Laurie Houseknecht-Dec. 26; Greg and Dani (Stauffer) Hackenberger-Dec. 28; Pastor Paul and Sue Fitzgerald-Dec. 29; Tom and Carolyn “Butch” (Marcey) Swisher-Dec. 30.

There are many Christmas church services taking place this week at various locations and times. Please take advantage and remember why we celebrate this season.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hughesville, Christmas Eve Service at 6:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. joint service with Christ United Methodist Church.

Christ United Methodist Church, Hughesville, Christmas Eve Service 7 p.m. (joint service at Trinity Lutheran at 11 p.m.)

Bethany United Methodist Church, Hughesville, Christmas Eve Service 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Picture Rocks Baptist Church Christmas Eve Service at 7 p.m.

Richart’s Grove Church, Unityville, Christmas Eve Serivce 7 p.m.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.