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By Staff | Jan 8, 2009

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe holiday season. After having almost two weeks off, I realize that it’s time now to get back to reality.

It’s exactly like when you were a child; you wait for vacation to arrive, and it seems to be over in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, it’s time to go back to school, back to work and get on with things.

Christmas is still going on at our house. Our decorations are still up, presents are still under the tree and we just finished the last of the Christmas cookies. I can’t seem to undertake the dreadful task of putting everything away for another year.

Every time we walk by our Christmas tree more and more needles drop to the floor. We still enjoy looking through all the Christmas cards, pictures and letters we received from family and old friends. The Christmas letters are always interesting, whether they are real or fictional, and it’s fun to see how everyone changes from year to year in their holiday pictures.

But it’s time to get back to reality. Work and school are calling to us. There are basketball games to watch and football playoffs to contemplate. Hope you all had a very joyous holiday and are excited about the new year ahead.

On Saturday, Jan 10, Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville will be hosting a community luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The luncheon will consist of soup, sandwiches and dessert. A freewill offering will be appreciated.

The Christmas Cantata Festival of Carols sung by Christ United Methodist Church, Hughesville, will be broadcast by Light for Life WJSA 96.3FM, 100.5FM and 1600AM on Sunday, Jan. 11 and 12 at noon and also at 4 p.m. Additional broadcasts will be aired on Sunday, Jan 18 at noon and again at 4 p.m.

Birthday wishes to the following: Eldora Davis and Howard Davis-Jan 1; Lola Smith, Teresa Moyer and Christopher Brown-Jan 2; Judy Harman-Jan 3; Jule Egly and Sara Scheffey-Jan 4; Scott Aderhold, Jeff Bower, Kirk Gottschall, Rachel Snyder and Patty Mattson-Jan 5; Brailey Frantz, Katie Miller, Kate Stiger and Pam Fraser-Jan 6; Debbie (Johnson) Dirk, Amanda Miller, Edgar Myers, Debbie Temple, Bob Raup and Lydia Getgen, Joy Doty-Jan 7; Amber (Babcock) Hildebrand, Jerry Racey, Adam Welch, Kaitlyn Sheets, Loretta Raup and Steve Sullivan-Jan 8; Roseanna Barto-Jan 9; Jenny Hess, Nancy Hodge, Tony Patts, Justin Green and Kade Temple-Jan 10, Trent Hess, Mya Poust and Donna Stackhouse-Jan 11; Diane Ellis and Judy Ryder- Jan 12; Shawn Dirk, Tyler Patts, Judy Snyder, Lewis Bogart, Sarah Wagner, Michael Coakley, Andrew Coakley and my most wonderful cousin, David Voneida-Jan 13.

Happy anniversary to Pastor Pete and Ruth Bergstresser and John and Kate Stiger-Jan 6; Lynne and Conne Reece and Bryan and Crystal Langdon-Jan 7.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.