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By Staff | Jan 14, 2009

There’s an old saying that goes “everything old is new again.” I’ve been around long enough to see that, especially in the fashion industry. I read in the newspaper that skinny-leg pants are now “out” and wide pants are “in.” I’m happy to hear this because someday I’d be able to get that box out of the attic and once again begin to wear wide-leg pants; however, when I first wore them they were called bell-bottoms. Unfortunately, through the years my waist size has increased along with my wardrobe.

Other items that seem to be coming back are pants that just skim the ankles-they were called high-water pants in my day; big chunky jewelry and lots of bracelets, which my mother called costume jewelry; and, of course, the baby doll tops that are so popular now. I wore that style 13 years ago-it was called maternity clothing.

Another phenomenon which has taken the fashion world by storm is low-rise pants. Back in my day they were called hip-huggers. I remember I had a crushed-velvet purple pair. Looking back now, maybe it’s best that some fashion statements don’t come back into style.

Huntersville Senior Citizens will not meet in January. The next meeting will be Wed., Feb. 11 at 12 noon for a tureen dinner.

Glen Sharrow American Legion Post 35 Ladies Auxiliary monthly meetings at 7 p.m. held on the first floor meeting room, the second Monday of every month, Main Street, Hughesville.

TOPS-Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets at the Friends Church in Hughesville every Tuesday 6-7:30 p.m. Call 435-2902 or 584-4530.

All area teens are invited every Sunday night 6:30-8 p.m. to Teens for Christ at the Bible Baptist Church in Huntersville. Exciting, fun activities, great food and a challenge from God’s Word will be presented each evening. Call Pastor Rob McKenzie at 435-3440 for more information.

On behalf of the chicken and myself, I would like to thank all my girlfriends for a great time last Friday evening at Ladies Night. You’re the best!!

Birthday wishes to Amy Martinelli and Rancy Wagner-Jan. 14; Barbara Pepper, Carrie Temple and Jacob Gray-Jan 15; John Stiger, Kandis Snyder, Bob Brown, Dale Stugart, Vivian Keller and Sharon Spring-Jan. 16; P. Scott Armstrong, Gene Cahn, Ralph Mecone, Rachel Bitler and Pat Gottschall-Jan. 17; Betty Baysore and Roger Snyder-Jan. 18; Kelly (Cahn) Gresh and Danielle Swisher-Jan. 19; Elizabeth Snell, Paul Snyder-Jan. 20;

Go Steelers!!

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.